Sorry for the poor photo quality.
First, I looked through a whole bunch of old magazines for some little pictures to cut out. I used a couple of issues of Rolling Stone that somehow ended up in my mailbox. Then, I traced circles around the pictures using a dime and cut them out with a pair of scissors.
I also cut out circles of the same size from white cardstock. I happened to have this already, junk mail would work too, or you can find cardstock at Walmart or any craft store.Then I used a cheap brush to apply some craft glue to a small round magnet. Make sure that you put the glue on the side that repels from the refrigerator. I used a glue called E-6000 that I know nothing about, but it looked like it would be strong and the packaging said that it was clear. It worked very well, but smells terrible.
Then I applied the cardstock circle to the magnet. This helps keep any picture on the other side of the magazine cutout from bleeding through. Next, I applied the glue to the cardstock and stuck the magazine cutout on it.
Next, I applied the glue to the flat side of a piece of clear vase filler (basically marbles with a flattened side). You can find vase filler at Walmart for sure; I tried looking around Michael's first but had no luck finding a clear package.
Take the piece of vase filler and press it down as hard as possible onto the magnet to force out any air bubbles.
Voila! You have a pretty cool magnet. Just let them dry completely before you use them.
Some chick from work... :-P